Discord Commands
Upgrade.Chat Bot Command List for Discord. Please review all these commands before opening a support ticket.
Last updated
Upgrade.Chat Bot Command List for Discord. Please review all these commands before opening a support ticket.
Last updated
(All commands are used within your own chat server!)
You can find our slash commands under the +
button -> Use Slash Command
, picking the Upgrade.chat
bot icon.
Also make sure to give your users the ability to use the commands:
This generates the Upgrade.Chat checkout link for the server to purchase roles.
Search these FAQs with built in links to these FAQ pages.
Set the default channel for Upgrade.Chat purchase notifications & welcome messages.
TYPE THIS IN THE CHANNEL YOU WANT TO SET. If you wish to completely disable notifications, you can make a new channel, use both the upgrade and downgrade commands, then delete this channel.
Welcome Messages AND Upgrade Notices will be sent to the channel you set in your own server. To turn Welcome Messages OFF, leave the welcome messages blank.
Set the default channel for Upgrade.Chat DOWNGRADES and CANCELLATIONS.
TYPE THIS IN THE CHANNEL YOU WANT TO SET. If you wish to completely disable notifications, you can make a new channel, use both the upgrade and downgrade commands, then delete this channel.
This generates the Upgrade.Chat checkout link for the server to purchase digital shop items. These are different than the UPGRADE links.
List all roles for sale within the server / guild you run the command.
This gives the user the link to: https://upgrade.chat/profile OR DM the Upgrade.Chat bot for this link. (Any DM text to the bot will respond with the link to the profile)
Customers who dispute (not downgrade) are instantly banned from the server chat room.
Sign up to become an Upgrade.Chat affiliate and make money by telling others to use Upgrade.Chat bot for their chatroom.
Generate a Referral Link to the Guild you run this command in. Earn Money When Your Friends Purchase a Role in this server.
Attribute a user to a referrer. This will attempt to process the referral immediately. Use this if someone in your server referred another user and you are sure they paid. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE.
Swap an upgrade from one user to another. Use this if one of your users mistakenly upgraded with a wrong account.
If you get an error that the subscription cannot be transferred or the user has no subscription, the user receiving the role needs to go to the checkout page to be registered within the Upgrade.Chat Database. They do not need to purchase, just simply log in on the checkout page.
See the Referral Leader Board for the current server guild. This is lifetime referral ranks for the chatroom.
Display information about your account as it relates to Upgrade.Chat and your subscriptions in your server.
Report a bug or a report server violating the Terms of Service directly to the Upgrade.Chat Staff.
Join our support server to get help, ask questions or get updates.